Monday, October 24, 2011


The items needed to complete mission 1, in their prototype stages.
After unit testing, each one needs to be integrated with the base

Items remaining to get mission 1 complete

The team divided into subteams to tackle them


John conducts experiments to detemine whether the lance or the bucket will do a better job of catching the rat

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Better computers! Thanks. Mr. Painter!

Claw prototype

An early trailer pickup prototype featues a spring loaded trigger to grab the trailer

Lance design complete

... not too excited :(

Test buggys

A test buggy ( actually 2 ) allows the lance team and the trailer pickup team to test, without needing to use the base, which is in use by the base team for programming

Designing the lance

The kids use a test fixture to set the height of the lance to pick up the pizza and icecream

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Design Session!

The team uses a decision chart to choose between a claw, a lance, or a pickup basket to get the rat and pizza